Kevin Muesenfechter
Kevin uses his legal and financial background to help clients optimize HUD programs. Prior to joining Gershman Investment Corp. in 2017, Kevin served at HUD’s Kansas City Office of General Counsel for nearly a decade, and as Assistant Regional Counsel he managed a team that was responsible for all Multifamily and Healthcare transactions in HUD Region VII. He has experience in the majority of HUD’s programs, including Multifamily, Healthcare, Section 8 HAP, Public Housing, RAD, CDBG, and HOME, as well as the Historic, New Market, and Low Income Housing Tax Credit Programs. Kevin is active in the Mortgage Bankers Association and received a Juris Doctor and a B.S.B.A. in Finance and Real Estate from the University of Missouri – Columbia.
If you have any questions about FHA financing or need help in any way with HUD programs, please reach out to Kevin Muesenfechter via email at kmuesenfechter@gershman.com or by phone at (816) 585-1963. You can also find Kevin on LinkedIn here.